- 4. TypeFriendly
4.1. Command line interface - 4. TypeFriendly
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4.1. Command line interface
TypeFriendly is used only from the operating system command line. It supports both Windows systems and various Unix clones, including Linux. You can call the script in this way:
# Under Windows and Unix systems
php typefriendly.php
# Under Unix systems (since TF 0.1.2)
TypeFriendly 0.1.0 and 0.1.1
The required parameter is always a path to the documentation directory (it means, to the directory that contains the settings.ini
and other files). For example:
./typefriendly "./docs/"
Allowed options that must be provided in the alphabetical order are:
- a tool for multilingual documentations. It compares the last modification time of the files and shows those ones in the derived language that are not up-to-date. Moreover it looks also for the missing files.
- generates the documentation in the specified language (by default, the base language is chosen).
- generates the documentation, using the specified output only. It must be listed in the available outputs in the configuration.
php typefriendly.php "./docs/" -l en -o xhtml
To display the information about TypeFriendly, call the script without any parameters.
TypeFriendly 0.1.2 and newer
In TypeFriendly 0.1.2, the command-line interface has been improved and the usage of the script has changed. The first argument is always a command specifying what we want to do. In the second place, we should specify a path to the directory with the documentation we want to process and at last, we specify the options.
The available commands:
create - creates a new documentation from a template and saves it to the specified (empty) directory. TypeFriendly asks you four questions about the newly created document and uses the values to prepare the configuration file. The use:
./typefriendly create "/path/to/directory"
build - builds an output version of the specified documentation. The available (optional) options are
(the language) and-o
(the used output system). The use:./typefriendly build "/path/to/directory" -l en -o xhtml
compare - compares the translation to the original version. This command requires the
option to select the translation../typefriendly compare "/path/to/directory" -l pl
version - prints TypeFriendly version.
./typefriendly version
- 4.1. Command line interface
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4.2. Output interface