Title: Commissions Report --- ## Commissions Report ## This report identifies and manages commissions that are calculated on proposals. You can select the criteria that determines which proposals are to be commissioned. The Commissions Report allows you to identify which proposals are to be marked as commissions paid. You can elect to pay only partial commissions on a proposal. Once a proposal is marked as paid in full on this report, it will no longer appear in the Commissions report. DealerChoice does not create commission checks to your sales reps. The Commissions report allows you to adjust commissions per proposal and to select which proposals commissions are to be paid on and saves that information. After the commission information is posted to the proposals, the Commissions Paid report is run that displays the proposals and commission amounts selected in the Commissions report. The Commissions Paid report is used to notify your payroll department or company of how much commission was earned for each sales rep. After you select the proposals that are to be paid on this report, you then run the Commissions Paid report to review the results. >![Image](media/Props&SalesCommReportOptions.JPG) >Props&SalesJobCommReportOptions.JPG Commissions Report Options |Description -----------------|--------------- How should the commissions report be tiered for late payments |If you wish to tier the amount of commission calculated for past due invoices you can select one of the supplied options here (90 days and 120 days). Use the "Create a Custom Late Payment Commission Tier" option to enter your own criteria for calculating commission. In order to pay commissions, proposals must be |These options allow you to select which criteria proposals must meet before commission will be calculated for it. See below for more information on these options. Should the report be filtered by sales rep |You can filter the report by sales rep by selecting the names from the list provided in this prompt field. Add this report to your saved reports |Checking this box will allow you to enter a name for your search criteria, the report name will appear in the My Saved Reports option under Reports. Proposal status settings |Description ---------------|------------------- Commissionable line items must be invoiced |Setting this option will only calculate commission on line items that are invoiced. Proposals must be invoiced in full |With this option set, all line items on the proposal must be invoiced to the customer for the proposal to be eligible for commission. Invoices must be paid in full |All customer invoices must be paid in full for the proposal to be eligible for commission. Proposal payables must be received in full |All vendor invoices must be received for the proposal to be eligible for commission. Below is an example of the commissions report. This report >![Image](media/Props&SalesCommReport.JPG) >Props&SalesJobCommReport.JPG The Commissions report lists the proposals that are eligible for commission per the criteria options you selected in the Commissions report options window. Each proposal that is eligible is listed with the appropriate proposal details. The proposal number is listed as a link (underlined) so you can click on the proposal number to open the proposal to view proposal details. The customer name is listed under the proposal number then each product and/or service is listed with the total sell price, cost, profit dollars and GP margin per product/service. The Products and services are combined. For example, if you have 20 line items on your proposal and you used the General Furniture Sales product on each proposal line item, the General Furniture Sales product category will appear as a single line item on the Commissions report. There is a proposal selection check box to the left of each proposal number appearing on the report. If this check box is left checked, the proposal will be updated with the commission paid amount when you click on the Post Commissions button at the bottom of the report. If the check box is un-checked, the proposal will not be updated. Vendor credits will appear as a negative cost in the Cost column. The proposal 2009-1034 shows a vendor credit of $1,600.00 in the report image above. This credit will reduce the total costs on the project. You can enter memo costs (charges against the project) from the Commissions via the [new memo cost] link that appears below the products and services listing. Clicking on this link will open the New Memo Cost window and will allow you to enter additional costs against the proposal. The Net Invoiced amount is listed as well as the amount Received, total Deposits received and the Total Payables received on this proposal. The Commission Rate field displays the Commission percentage and the Commission rule name used to calculate the commission amount for each proposal. The Commission Owed field displays the amount of commission that was calculated for this proposal per the totals listed. The Commission Owed field is an input field. You can change the amount of commission to be paid on the proposal by changing the amount displayed here. If you want to undo your changes to this field, click on the [recalculate] link and the Commission Owed field will update to the originally displayed amount. The Paid In Full check box tells DealerChoice that you are (or are not) paying this commission in full. If this check box is checked, then the proposal will no longer appear in the Commission report. If you adjust the Commission Owed field to pay a partial commission, un-check this box so the proposal will be considered again if changes are made. If you have manually adjusted commission amounts on any of the proposals, click on the Recalculate Totals button to update the commission total at the bottom of the report before you click on the Post Commissions button. The Commission Date input field allows you to choose which date the commissions will appeared as paid on the proposals. After you have made any commission adjustments and selected (or de-selected) the proposals that are to be marked as commissions paid, click on the Post Commissions button. This will make an entry on the proposal under the Payables - Commissions Paid tab. This entry will show the commission details for this proposal. The example commission report shows only one proposal (2009-1103) selected. The commission amount of 97.31 is to be paid on this proposal. After the other two proposals were de-selected, the Recalculate Totals button was clicked to update the total commissions to be paid for this sales rep. >![Image](media/Props&SalesCommReportII.JPG) >Props&SalesJobCommReportII.JPG The Post Commissions button is now pressed to update the proposal with the commission paid amount. When you click on the Post Commissions button you will see a pop up window asking if you are sure you want to post the commissions. Click the OK button to proceed. After clicking on the OK button to post the commissions, the commission report window will update displaying the posted commission totals as shown below. >![Image](media/Props&SalesCommReportIII.JPG) >Props&SalesJobCommReportIII.JPG If you run the commissions report again, the proposal 2009-1103 will not appear because it was marked as paid in full. The final step is to run the Commissions Paid report which lists the proposals and commission amounts selected to be paid on the Commission Report. See the next section for information on the Commissions Paid report.