Title: Balance Sheet --- ## Balance Sheet ## The Balance Sheet displays the summary of the value of all assets, liabilities and owners' equity on a specific date. The Balance Sheet can be run to show multiple yearly comparisons. >![Image](media/FinancialBalSheetOptions.JPG) >FinancialBalSheetOptions.JPG Balance Sheet Options | Description ----------------------|------------- What time frame should the report reflect |Select a date option to run your report or you can enter a specific date range with the 'A specific date range' option. This option allows you to enter a 'through' date only. Comparison |Selecting a previous cycle allows you to see up to 3 past years data compared to your current balance sheet data. Hide accounts with a zero balance |By default this check box is selected. Checking this box prevents accounts with a zero dollar balance from appearing on your Balance sheet report. Un-checking this box will allow zero balance accounts to be displayed. Exclude year-end closing entries |When running the balance sheet for time frames that contain previous years which may be closed, you can exclude the year end closing journal entries so the balances shown are accurate. They year end closing entries are entries that balance the accounts for starting a new fiscal year. If these balances are included, your balance sheet results will be skewed by these entries. Add this to your saved reports |Checking this box will allow you to enter a name to save your report criteria. The names will appear under the My Saved Reports menu option under Reports. Below is a sample Balance sheet report. >![Image](media/FinancialBalSheetReport.JPG) >FinancialBalSheetReport.JPG