Title: Service & Punch Tab --- ## Service & Punch Tab ## There are two tabs under the Service & Punch tab. The Punchlist tab and the Work Orders tab. The Punchlist tab is where you can create a punchlist proposal, punch purchase orders and punch invoices. The Work Orders tab is one access option for creating work orders. You can also create work orders under the Project Management menu item found under Proposals in the main menu. There are multiple options for accessing the Work Orders function because certain users in your company may not have access to Proposals but they may need access to the Work Order function. See the description of the Work Order Tab later in this chapter for details. >![Image](media/ProposalsServicePunchTab.JPG) >ProposalsServicePunchTab.JPG The Punchlist tab allows you to create a punch proposal within your main proposal. This proposal does not get issued a proposal number. The default title for proposals created here is "Punchlist Proposal" and the primary proposal number is displayed on the Punchlist Proposal as shown below. You can change the title of your Punchlist proposal in the Punchlist Proposal Print Options window. See below for details on the Punchlist Print Options. The default Punchlist proposal icons are listed below. All proposal icons on the Item Details tab are available in the Punchlist tab. Once line items are added to your Punchlist proposal, additional icons will be available. Punch Tab Icons |Description -----------------|-------------- Add new line item |Click this icon to manually enter a line item. Delete selected line items |Use this icon to delete any selected line items. To select a line item click in the check box to the left of the line item in the proposal list. Deleted line items cannot be recovered once deleted. Toggle the selected items between active & inactive |Use this icon to toggle any selected line items between active and inactive. Inactive line items are displayed on proposals and cannot be included on purchase orders. To make an inactive line item active again, select the line item and click this icon. Inactive line items appear in the Item List in grey. To select a line item click in the check box to the left of the line item in the proposal list. Create & edit proposal groups |Use this icon to create proposal Group names. Line items can be added to appear in Groups that you create. Groups can be moved and or deleted. When you delete a Group, the line items in the Group are not removed from the proposal. Add a new comment line |Click on this icon to add a comment to your proposal. Comment lines can be added to the proposal or to purchase orders. Comments can be edited or deleted. Import items into this proposal |Use this icon to import a design specification file into the Punchlist proposal. Summarize line items |Click on this icon to see a pricing summary of the line items on your proposal. >![Image](media/ProposalsPunchProposalSample.JPG) >ProposalsPunchProposalSample.JPG The punch line items are displayed on the Punchlist tab, not on the Item Details tab. Purchase orders created for punch line items are displayed on the Purchase Orders tab and invoices created for punch line items are displayed on the Receivables tab. You have all the same icons and functionality for working with punch line items as you do working with lines on the Item Details tab. You are literally creating proposal line items under the Punchlist tab. Since the Punchlist process of working with line items is the same as working with line items on the Item Details tab, please see the Item Details chapter for details. Differences between the Item Detail tab and the Punchlist tab are discussed here. ## Punchlist Tab ## The Punchlist tab has the same set of icons as the Item Details tab. They perform the exact same functions except that they only affect the line items on the Punchlist tab. Punchlist purchase orders are created from the Punchlist tab, not from the Purchase Orders tab, but punchlist purchase orders will be displayed in the Purchase Orders tab after being created. Punchlist invoices are also created from the Punchlist tab, not from the Receivables tab, but punchlist invoices will be displayed in the Receivables tab after being created ## Adding Punch Line Items Damaged Items Tab## >![Image](media/ProposalsAddPunchLine.JPG) >ProposalsAddPunchLine.JPG When you click on the Add Line Items icon on the Punchlist tab the Create a New Punch Item window opens and displays line items from your primary proposal that have been ordered. To be eligible for the Punchlist proposal, the line item must have been ordered (on a purchase order) first. You can add items that were not specifically ordered on your proposal, such as part numbers, or items that were not on the original proposal by using the the New Items tab. ## Adding Punch Line Items New Items Tab ## >![Image](media/ProposalsAddPunchLineNewItem.JPG) >ProposalsAddPunchLineNewItem.JPG The New Items tab allows you to manually enter a line item. If you need to order a part that is not listed as a line item on your primary proposal then this option allows you to enter the specific part number and description so you can get your part(s) ordered. After selecting a line item(s) and clicking on the Create Punch button, the selected line items will appear as line items in the Punchlist tab. You can edit your line item for the correct quantity to be ordered and to adjust the pricing if necessary. >![Image](media/ProposalsPunchLineItem.JPG) >ProposalsPunchLineItem.JPG When working with punch line items it is important to set up the pricing correctly. If you must pay for the product be sure to include a cost amount so the cost appears on the purchase order. If you plan on invoicing your customer or a vendor for the punch item, you MUST include a sell price. >[information] >When a punch item has a sell price, you are given the option to select who you wish to invoice for the product. This may include backcharges to a manufacturer or it may be to invoice a subcontractor (installer, etc) that may have damaged or lost product. It may even be to invoice your customer for additional items or customer change orders. After adding your punch line items, be sure to check them just as you would a normal proposal line item. Be sure that the quantity is correct on your punch line items especially if you selected your punch items from the original proposals (Damaged Items tab). The line item is copied to the punch list proposal exactly as it appears on the primary proposal. After you have reviewed your punch line items, you must finalize your punch proposal to be able to create purchase orders and invoices. ## Punch Finalization ## The Finalization icon appears on the Punchlist tab and your punch list proposal must go through the finalization process just as your primary proposal did. Click on the Finalize icon to start the process. >![Image](media/ProposalsPunchFinalization.JPG) >ProposalsPunchFinalization.JPG The punch finalization process works exactly the same as the primary proposal finalization process. You may be presented with options for including vendor charges and for applying sales tax. You can abort the finalization process and return to your punch line items to make any adjustments if necessary by clicking on the <--Back link at the top of the window. To complete the finalization process, click on the Finalize button on the lower right and the process will continue. Once the finalization process completes, you will have two new links available on the upper right of the Punchlist window, The links are [create purchase orders] and [create invoices]. You create your punch purchase orders and punch invoices on the Punchlist window, not from the Purchase Orders tab or the Receivables tab. ## [create purchase orders] link ## Click on the [create purchase orders] in the Punchlist tab link to create your punch purchase orders. This is the exact same process as creating purchase orders on your primary proposal. Punch purchase orders will be displayed on the Purchase Order tab. After your punch purchase orders are created, the selection check box to the left of the punch line item will be inactive so the line item cannot be changed. Your punch purchase order will be displayed on the Purchase Orders tab with the purchase orders that were created on your primary proposal. You can edit and enter acknowledgement information on punch purchase orders exactly the same way you do on regular purchase orders. Punch purchase orders also appear on the Project Status report highlighted in yellow, so you can easily identify your punch orders. ## [create invoices] ## When you are ready to invoice for your punch items, you must return to the Punchlist tab and use the [create invoices] link. In this example, we have a punch line item that has a sell price. This example assumes that the installer on the project has damaged this product and it must be re-ordered to be installed. We are going to invoice the installer for the product. Click on the [create invoices] link and select the line items to be invoiced. This will open the Review Your Invoice window. In this example, you will notice that the Invoice To: input field now has a selection drop down arrow. You can choose to invoice your customer or a vendor now. For this example, we will say that the vendor DealerChoice is the installer and they are to be invoiced for the product. >![Image](media/ProposalsPunchInvoicePreview.JPG) >ProposalsPunchLineInvoicePreview.JPG Select the Vendor option and the vendor name input box will appear. Type in the first few characters of the vendors name and select the correct one from the list presented. >![Image](media/ProposalsPunchInvoiceVendor.JPG) >ProposalsPunchLineInvoiceVendor.JPG Click on the Create Invoice button and the invoice will be created to the vendor as shown below. >![Image](media/ProposalsPunchInvoiceVendorPrint.JPG) >ProposalsPunchLineInvoiceVendorPrint.JPG When you receive payment for this invoice, you will enter the payment exactly as you would normally (either from the Receivables tab or from Customers - Receive Payments menu option). ## Work Orders Tab ## The work order process allows you to bundle multiple resources, (i.e. vendors) into a single line item on your proposal. Allowing resources (or vendors) to be assigned to a work order allows you to keep the individual vendor names from appearing on your proposals. For example, if you use a different vendor on a project for installation, electrical and painting, you can bundle the costs from all three vendors into a single line item by adding them all to a work order and then importing that work order into your proposal. This allows you to have a single line item on your proposal for all the services that you are providing. The work order line item appears as a single services line on the proposal instead of having individual line items for each of the three services that you are providing. In order to use this feature, the resources must be defined in your Vendor database (see section 5.1) and these vendors must be defined as resources in System Configuration - Company & System Settings - Resources tab (see section There are internal resources and external resources. Internal resources are your employees and external resources are vendors. Once the resources (vendors) are added to a work order, the work order is imported into your proposals just like any other line item. When you generate purchase orders, a purchase order will be created for each resource (vendor) on the work order. The work order process consists of creating the work order, adding resources, marking the work order as complete, then importing the work order into a proposal as a line item. To start the process, click on the Work Orders tab under the Service & Punch tab. >![Image](media/ProposalsWorkOrderTab.JPG) >ProposalsWorkOrderTab.JPG To create a work order, click on the Plus sign icon ("+") to open the Create a New Work Order window where you can enter your work order header information and save the work order. >![Image](media/ProposalsCreateWorkOrder.JPG) >ProposalsCreateWorkOrder.JPG ## Work Order Input Fields ## Create Work Order Fields |Description -------------------------|------------- Description |Enter a description of your work order. The text entered here will appear as the work order line description on your proposal. Order No |This number is generated automatically for you and should not be changed (See System Configuration for details) Work Order Date |This is the creation date of your work order. The default is today's date. You can change this date to any date you wish. Order Status |For future development. This field will allow you to select a status for your work order. Similar to the proposal status, you will be able to create your own work order status levels and you will be able to assign them to your work order via this field. Status Note |For future development. The status note allows you to enter text to support your Work order Status setting. This is a free text input field. Ship To Location |All proposal line items need a Ship To Location. Typically, this is the exact same location as set on your Install tab in the Installation Location field. Notes |This is a free text input field and is for adding additional information to your work order. Work Order notes appear on the printed work order. After entering the work order information click on the Save Work Order icon to save your work order. Once the Work Order is saved, the window will change in the following ways as shown in the following figure. 1 - You will see 2 additional icons; Print Work Order and Delete Work Order. 2 - The Scope of Work and the Resources tabs will appear with the Scope of WOrk tab selected to allow you to edit the information you originally entered. 3 - 3 Additional fields will appear under the Description field. >![Image](media/ProposalsWorkOrderEdit.JPG) >ProposalsWorkOrderEdit.JPG After saving your work order 3 new fields appear under the Description field. Work Order Edit Fields | Description -----------------------|-------------- Complete |Check box to signify that all edits to the work order is complete. This flag must be checked to allow the work order to be available to be imported into the proposal. Total True Cost |The True Cost is the actual cost of the work to be performed by the resource (vendor) that has been assigned to the work order. The true cost will be the cost on the purchase order that is generated to this vendor for the services provided. Total Internal Cost |The internal cost allows you add profit dollars on the true cost if desired. The amount you enter in the Internal Cost field will be the Cost amount that appears on the work order line item when it is imported into the proposal. This allows you to "sell" the services to your sales reps. They will then mark up the line item on their proposal to sell to the customer. The True Cost and Internal Cost fields will update for you after you have added resources. After reviewing your work order information, the next step is to add resources (vendors). ## Adding Resources to a Work Order ## Click on the Resources tab to add resources to your work order. The resources must be defined as resources in your System Configuration before you can assign them to work orders. >[information] >When adding resources to a work order, you can see a list of resources defined in your System Configuration by entering a space in the Resource field. A drop down box displaying the defined Resources will appear. Resources are saved in your System Configuration with a Resource Name, which identifies the resource. The Resource name is assigned to the Vendor. See System Configuration for setting up Resources. The View/Edit Work Order window appears below. This is where you assign your resources to the work order. >![Image](media/ProposalsWorkOrderAddResource.JPG) >ProposalsWorkOrderAddResource.JPG New Work Order Resource Fields |Description -------------------------------|------------- Resource |This field is where you select your resources (vendors) that have been defined in your System Configuration. Resources selected here will be assigned to this work order. Time Quoted |Enter the units of time that have been quoted by the vendor to complete the work. You can select a number of Hours, number of Days, number of Half Days or Fixed. Select fixed if the quote has returned with a fixed cost to complete the work. Description |You can enter a description for the resource True Cost |Enter the actual amount that the vendor is charging your dealership for this work. This amount will appear as the cost on the purchase order that you generate to the vendor. Internal Cost |The internal cost field allows to to add profit dollars on the true cost if desired. The amount you enter in the Internal Cost field will be the Cost amount that appears on the work order line item when it is imported into the proposal. This allows you to "sell" the services to your sales reps. They will then mark up the line item on their proposal to sell to the customer. Save Resource button |When you have completed entering your resource information, click on the Save Resource button to add the resource to the work order. An example of a resource to be added to a work order appears below. >![Image](media/ProposalsWorkOrderAddResourceExample.JPG) >ProposalsWorkOrderAddResourceExample.JPG After clicking on the Save Resource button, your resource will be added to this work order and will be displayed as shown below. In this example, two resources have been added to this work order, an Installation Mechanic and a Painter. >![Image](media/ProposalsWorkOrderSavedResource.JPG) >ProposalsWorkOrderSavedResource.JPG You can continue to add resources if desired. Once you have added all the necessary resources to the work order, Click on the Scope of Work tab and mark your work order Complete then click on the Save Work Order icon to save your work order. >[information] >Work Orders cannot be imported into proposals unless they have been marked as Complete. This allows for the work order to be modified for several hours or days, while the scope of work is being defined and for the quotes from the resources (vendors) to be returned to you so you have accurate pricing (True Costs). After you have added all the necessary resources to your work order you are ready to mark it complete to make it available to be imported into the proposal. ## Marking Work Order as Complete ## To mark a work order as complete, check the Complete check box and then click on the Save Work Order icon. >[information] >When you mark a work order as complete and save it, the sales rep assigned to the proposal will get a message in his/her Message Queue that the work order is Complete. At this point the sales rep can import the work order into his/her proposal. If you are not ready for the work order to be imported into a proposal, do not mark it complete. You can save changes to your work order without it being marked complete. Only mark the work order complete when you have finished making changes to it. >![Image](media/ProposalsWorkOrderComplete.JPG) >ProposalsWorkOrderComplete.JPG When you have checked the 'Complete' box, your work order will appear in the Work Orders tab as complete and is ready to be imported into the proposal as a line item as shown below. >![Image](media/ProposalsWorkOrderList.JPG) >ProposalsWorkOrderList.JPG Making changes to a work order after it has been marked as Complete: >[information] >If you need to make additional changes to a work order that has been marked as Complete, you can open it from the Work Order tab and remove the Complete flag and save it. If the Work Order has already been imported into a proposal, you cannot remove the Complete flag. The line item must be deleted from the proposal (Item Details tab) first, then you can edit the work order. ## Importing Work Order Into Proposal ## After the work order has been marked as Complete, the sales rep assigned to the proposal that the work order was created for will get a message in his/her message queue alerting them that the work order is ready to be imported into the proposal. Completed work orders that are ready for import into a proposal are displayed on the Install tab in the Proposal. >![Image](media/ProposalsWorkOrderInstallTab.JPG) >ProposalsWorkOrderInstallTab.JPG On the Install tab, to the right of the Install Location and Ship To Location fields, completed work orders will be displayed. Work orders will not appear here until that have been marked as Complete. The designated sales rep on the proposal will be notified via the Message queue that the work order has been completed and is ready to be imported. The work order must be imported into the proposal as a line item. Work Orders are imported into the proposal from the Item Details tab using the Import Work Orders icon. Select the work order to be imported by clicking on the select button. The work order selection buttons are present because you can import multiple work orders on a single proposal. >![Image](media/ProposalsWorkOrderImport.JPG) >ProposalsWorkOrderImport.JPG After selecting the work order the Edit the work order line item window opens allowing you to complete the line items details for your work order as a proposal line item. Typically, you will use your Dealership's name as the vendor and you can enter a GP% to mark up the sell price. >![Image](media/ProposalsWorkOrderLineEdit.JPG) >ProposalsWorkOrderLineEdit.JPG The New Line item From A Work Order Window will open allowing you to complete the line item details for your proposal. Work Order Fields |Description ------------------|------------- Vendor |Enter your DealerShip name here. Since you are providing the services to your customer your dealership name will be present as the Vendor on the proposal. This is also how you keep the individual resource (vendor) names that have been assigned to the work order from appearing on your proposal. Description |The Description field is populated from the work order Description and the work order Notes fields entered when creating your work order. Product/Service |Select the Product/Service that reflects the services GP Margin |You can add a GP margin to calculate the sell price of your work order Item Sell Price |You can enter a specific sell price on your line item. Save | Click on the Save button to save the work order as a proposal line item. The work order will appear as a line item on your proposal as shown below. The last line on this proposal is the work order that was imported. It looks and functions like any other line on the proposal. >[information] >The Work Order part number will be the Work Order number assigned to the work order when it was created. > The last line item on the proposal shown below is the imported work order line item. >![Image](media/ProposalsWorkOrderLineSave.JPG) >ProposalsWorkOrderLineSave.JPG Now that your line item is part of your proposal, you must run the finalization process. After the finalization process, you can print, email or fax your proposal to your customer. The next step is to create purchase orders on your proposal. >[information] >Another key factor of using work orders (besides hiding the resource (vendor) names on your proposal) is that when you go to generate purchase orders, DealerChoice will create a purchase order for each of the resources you added to the work order for you. When you create purchase orders for a work order line item, a purchase order will be generated for each resource (vendor) that has been assigned to the work order. You need a purchase order for each resource because you will receive an invoice from each vendor for the work they are doing. You will enter these invoices against the purchase orders created from the work order so you can pay your vendors. ## Work Order Purchase Orders ## Your work order must be a line item on your proposal and you must finalize your proposal before you can generate purchase orders. You generate your work order purchase orders exactly the same way you create product purchase orders. Click on the Purchase Orders tab and then click on the Create Purchase Orders icon. You can create the work order purchase orders by selecting the work order line item only, or by selecting all line items on your proposal. >![Image](media/ProposalsWorkOrderPurchaseOrdersCreate.JPG) >ProposalsWorkOrderPurchaseOrdersCreate.JPG In the example above, the work order line item was the only line item selected to be converted to a purchase order. On our example work order, we added two resources (Install Mechanic and Painter) so we will end up with two purchase orders. You can see in the image above that two purchase orders will be created from our work order line item. The purchase orders will be to the vendors associated with the Install Mechanic resource and the Painter Resource. In our example, the Install Mechanic resource is associated with Test Vendor II and the Painter resource is associated with the vendor DealerChoice. When we click on the Place Orders button, a purchase order will be created for each vendor on the work order and the purchase order(s) can be viewed on the Purchase Orders tab as shown below. >![Image](media/ProposalsWorkOrderPurchaseOrders.JPG) >ProposalsWorkOrderPurchaseOrders.JPG As you can see in the image above, two new purchase orders have been created. A purchase order for each resource (vendor) on our work order now exists. You now have purchase orders that you can send to the respective vendors. When you receive the invoice (payable) from each vendor, you will enter the payable with the purchase order number that was created here so you can pay your vendors.