Title: Purchase Orders Tab --- ## Purchase Orders Tab ## To create purchase orders click on the Purchase Orders tab of your proposal. If no purchase orders have been created yet, you will only see the 'Create purchase orders' icon. Click on this icon to start the Purchase Order process. Your proposal must be finalized before you can create purchase orders. If your proposal has not been finalized and you try to create purchase orders, you will see a message noting that you must first run the finalization process. >![Image](media/ProposalsPOTab.JPG) >ProposalsPOTab.JPG After clicking on the 'Create purchase orders' icon, your proposal line items will be displayed in the Select Line Items window. You can choose all line items, specific line items or select line items by group, if groups were used on your proposal in the Item Details tab. If you click on the check box to the left of a Group name, all line items in that group will be selected. >![Image](media/ProposalsPOSelectLines.JPG) >ProposalsPOSelectLines.JPG Once you have the line items that are to be ordered selected, click on the Next button to Review your items to be ordered. >![Image](media/ProposalsPOReview.JPG) >ProposalsPOReview.JPG The <-- Back button allows you to exit the Review window and returns you to the Purchase Order select lines window. In the example above, notice that a warning message appears noting that a customer deposit is required in order to proceed. This message is telling you that you have set a Customer Deposit Required amount in the customer database and is alerting you that you have not yet received or entered a deposit from this customer. This is a warning only, it will not prevent you from creating purchase orders for this customer. The Place Orders button will complete the purchase order creation process and your purchase orders will be generated. Purchase Order Review Fields |Description -----------------------------|--------------- Purchase Amt |This is the total amount of your purchase order for this vendor product Submit Via |The default options for the Submit Via field are 'Fax', 'Email' and "Don't send just let me print it". If an electronic order template exists for this vendor you will have two more options: 'Generate electronic order and send it' and 'Generate electronic order and let me save it'. Submit To |This prompt will appear if you choose to email your purchase order from the Submit Via options noted above. Enter either the email address or fax number to send the purchase order to. If this information has been defined in the vendor database for this vendor, the information from the vendor database will be populated here for you CC |This prompt will appear if you choose to email your purchase order from the Submit Via options noted above. The CC field allows you to add recipients to receive this purchase order. You cannot add multiple recipients for faxed orders, only a single fax number may be entered. Company Logo |You can select which company logo you want included on your purchase order if you have uploaded multiple logos Print Logo? |You can select whether or not you want your company logo to print on your purchase order Attach Files |If files have been uploaded to the File Vault, they will appear here and are available to be selected and will be sent with your purchase order as attachments. To select multiple files, hold the CTRL key down and click on files PO Comment |Enter any specific text you want included on your purchase order. If this text will be the same all the time for this vendor, you can define the PO Comment text in the vendor database. Ship To |This is the Ship To address from the Install Info tab or from the specific line item Ship To address if it was changed on the Item Details tab Shipping Contact |This is a text field that you can enter a shipping contact name. If the Shipping Contact information was completed on the Install Tab, that information will appear here. Contact Phone |This is a text field that you can enter a shipping contact phone. If the Shipping Contact information was completed on the Install Tab, that information will appear here. Contact Fax |This is a text field that you can enter a shipping contact fax. If the Shipping Contact information was completed on the Install Tab, that information will appear here. Req Ship Date |You can select a Required Ship Date by entering that date here Req Arrive Date |You can select a Required Arrival Date by entering that date here Items to be Purchased |This section displays the line items that are to be purchased from this vendor on this purchase order ## Vendor Deposit Required Example ## The example below shows a case where a vendor deposit is required. If this vendor requires a deposit with orders and you have set the Required Deposit Percentage amount in your vendor database for this vendor, you will see the Vendor Deposit Required field in the Review Your Purchase Orders window. The amount displayed is the amount calculated per the percentage amount that exists in your vendor database for this vendor. If you create the purchase order with this box checked, a deposit payable will be created and will appear in your Vendor Bills window. If you un-check this box, the deposit payable will not be created. >![Image](media/ProposalsPOReviewVendorDeposit.JPG) >ProposalsPOReviewVendorDeposit.JPG Once you click on the Place Orders button, your purchase order(s) will be created. Depending on your Submit Via option selection, your purchase order(s) may be emailed and/or faxed as well. The Print Purchase Orders window will open displaying the purchase orders you have just created and the purchase orders will be listed in the Purchase Orders tab. You can print copies of your purchase order(s) if you wish. After creating purchase orders, you will see two additional icons on the Purchase Orders Tab. >![Image](media/ProposalsPOList.JPG) >ProposalsPOList.JPG ## New Purchase Order Tab Icons ## Icon |Description -------|------------ Print Purchase Order Summary |Clicking on this icon will generate the Purchase Order Summary report. This report lists all purchase orders that exist on this proposal and allows you to print the report if required. The Purchase Order Summary report includes order acknowledgement information if it has been entered as well. Print Delivery Tickets |Clicking on this icon opens the Delivery Ticket Print Options window allowing you to select fields to appear on your Delivery Ticket. ## Purchase Order Summary Report ## The Purchase Order Summary report will list each purchase order that has been created on this proposal. It displays key elements of each purchase order. >![Image](media/ProposalsPOSummary.JPG) >ProposalsPOSummary.JPG PO Summary Column Titles |Description -------------------------|--------------- PO No. |The purchase order number Ack No |If the acknowledgment number has been entered for the purchase order it will be displayed here Ship Date |If the Ship Date has been entered it will be displayed here Receive Date |If the Receive Date have been entered it will be displayed here Vendor |The vendor that the purchase order is made out to will be displayed here Order Amount |The total cost amount of the purchase order will be displayed here Shipping Location |The shipping location of the purchase order will be displayed here ## Delivery Ticket Report ## The Delivery Ticket Print Options window allows you to specify what data is to be included on your Delivery Ticket. This report allows you to use the Delivery Ticket for multiple uses although it was originally intended as a form to accompany your installers to the job site to record what product has been delivered to your customer. The document title can be changed to any text you want so the form can be tailored to meet your needs. >![Image](media/ProposalsPODeliveryTicketPrintOptions.JPG) >ProposalsPODeliveryTicketPrintOptions.JPG Delivery Ticket Print Option |Description -----------------------------|------------- Print Prefs |If print preferences have been saved, the title of your save print preferences will appear in this list. Selecting a saved print preference eliminates having to select specific print options. You can select a set of print options and save the settings (see Save Print Preferences). Then you can use the saved print preferences to print your document by selecting a saved print preferences option instead of having to modify your default set of print options. Company Logo |If you have uploaded multiple company logo's, you will be able to select which logo is to appear on your document. To change logos, select the appropriate logo from the drop down selection list. Company logo's are uploaded in System Configuration. There is no limit on the number of logos you can upload. Print Logo? |Even if you have a logo selected, you can choose to have the logo print (or not) by selecting this check box. If the box is checked, your logo will print, if not checked, your logo will not print. General Print Fields |Select the fields that you want to appear on your document Customer |If selected the customer name will appear Customer Contact |If selected the customer contact from the Project Info tab will appear Shipping Location |If selected the shipping location from the Install tab will appear Install Location |If selected the install location from the Install tab will appear Vendor Address |If selected the vendor address will appear Dealer PO |If selected the purchase order number will appear Customer PO |If selected the customer purchase order number will appear Proposal No |If selected the proposal number will appear PO Date |If selected the purchase order date will appear Bldg Mngmt POC |If selected the building management point of contact from the Install tab will appear Bldg Mngmt Phone |If selected the building management phone number from the Install tab will appear Bldg Mngmt Fax |If selected the building management fax number from the Install tab will appear Purchase Order Comments |If selected the purchase order comments will appear Line Item Print Fields |Select the fields for displaying your line items Line Numbers |If selected your line items will be numbered Vendor Name |If selected the Vendor Name will appear on each line item Product Name |If selected the Product Name will appear on each line item Item Number |If selected the Item Number will appear for each line item Item Description |If selected the Item Description will appear for each line item Item Quantity |If selected the Quantity for each line item will be displayed Item Tagging |If selected the Item Tagging will appear for each line item Item Finishes & Options |If selected the Item Finishes and Options will appear for each line item Acknowledgement Number |If selected the ACK Number will appear for each line item Ship Date |If selected the Ship Date will appear for each line item Receive Date |If selected the Receive Date will appear for each line item Quantity Received |If selected the Quantity Received field will appear for each line item Document Title |The default title is Delivery Ticket. Depending on how you plan to use this document, you can change the title to whatever text you want, some examples are Customer Pickup, Will Call and Drop Ship Shipping Location Title |The default is Shipping Location. You can change this field to whatever text you want Dealer Contact |You can enter the name of a person that is to be contacted regarding this document if desired Ticket Comments |You can enter text in this field to relay instructions or any other information you want to appear on this document Save These Print Preferences? |This option allows you to save your selected print preferences. A sample Delivery Ticket appears below >![Image](media/ProposalsPODeliveryTicketPrint.JPG) >ProposalsPODeliveryTicketPrint.JPG ## Purchase Order Summary Window ## After you create your purchase orders, you can review them and make adjustments via the Purchase Order Summary window. To view the Purchase Order Summary window, click on any purchase order that exists in the Purchase Orders tab of any proposal. >![Image](media/ProposalsPOSummaryWindow.JPG) >ProposalsPOSummaryWindow.JPG Purchase Order Summary Window Icons | Description -----------------------------|--------------- Print Purchase Order |This icon allows you to print a copy (or save a PDF copy) of your purchase order Delete Purchase Order |This icon allows you to delete the purchase order. If the product has been invoiced to your customer or if you have received a vendor invoice against this purchase order, you cannot delete it without removing the customer invoice or vendor invoice first Print Delivery Ticket for this Purchase Order |This icon allow you to print a Delivery Ticket for this purchase order Email & Fax Terminal |This icon allow you to email or fax this purchase order Purchase Order Summary Fields |Description ------------------------------|---------------- Customer |The Customer Name from your proposal Sales Rep |The Sales Rep Name on this proposal Vendor |The Vendor Name that the purchase order is made out to Purchased On |The Creation Date of the purchase order Order Amount |The Total Cost amount of the purchase order Total Sell |The Total Sell amount of the product on this purchase order Total List |The Total List amount of the product on this purchase order Shipping To |The Ship To address for the product on this purchase order [change] |Allows you to change the Shipping To address on this purchase order ## Entering Purchase Order Acknowledgement Information ## There are two methods for entering your purchase order acknowledgement data. The first method is to enter the information directly on the Purchase Order Summary window (Purchase Orders tab on Proposal) and the second is to enter the the information via the Project Status Report (under Reports - Proposals & Sales - Project Status) To enter acknowledgment information from the Purchase Order Summary window, open your proposal and click on the Purchase Orders tab. Click on the purchase order that the information is to be entered on to open the Purchase Order Summary window. In the Item Summary section of this window you will see your purchase order line items displayed. There are several icons Item Summary Icons |Description -------------------|-------------- Add Line Item to Purchase Order |Click on this icon to add line items to this purchase order. The line item(s) to be added, must be entered on the Item Details tab, must have the same vendor and must have the same ship to address. Delete Selected Line Items |Click on this icon to delete any lines that have been selected (check box to left on line item). This will remove the selected line items from this purchase order and they will revert back to a 'not ordered' status on your Item Details tab. Enter Acknowledgement information on selected items |Clicking on this icon open the Enter Ack Info window and allows you to enter your acknowledgement information on the selected line items. [check all] |Clicking on this icon will select all the line items on this purchase order. >![Image](media/ProposalsPOEnterAckInfo.JPG) >ProposalsPOEnterAckInfo.JPG In the example above, the [check all] button was clicked to select all the line items on this purchase order, then the Enter Acknowledgement Info icon was clicked. Enter the acknowledgement information into the appropriate input box and click on the Save button to save your data. The selected line items will be updated to display the ack info you entered as shown below. >![Image](media/ProposalsPOAckInfoEntered.JPG) >ProposalsPOAckInfoEntered.JPG When you close the Purchase Order Summary window you acknowledgement number will also be displayed in parenthesis next to the vendor name in the Purchase Order tab window as shown below. >![Image](media/ProposalsPOAckData.JPG) >ProposalsPOAckData.JPG ## Editing Purchase Orders ## To edit the data on a purchase, click on the purchase order containing the line item(s) you wish to modify to open the Purchase Order Summary Window. Each line item on the purchase order is displayed with the [edit] button to the right on the product description. Click on the [edit] button to open the View & Edit a Booked Line Item window. >![Image](media/ProposalsPOEditBookedLine.JPG) >ProposalsPOEditBookedLine.JPG The edit window displays the line item details and all fields are locked. This is to allow you to view the line item details without making any changes unintentionally. To unlock the data fields, click on the Edit button in the upper right hand corner of this window and all eligible fields willbe unlocked. >[information] >When editing purchase order data, certain fields will remain locked if the line item has been invoiced. Once the line item has been invoiced, you can only change the cost of the line item. After making changes to the line item you must click on the Save button and your changes will be saved.