Title: Create a new Vendor --- There are two ways to create a vendor database entry. The first method is from the main navigation menu under Vendors, Vendor List Create a New Vendor. >![Image](media/VendorsCreateMenu.JPG) >VendorsCreateMenu.JPG The second option is from the Vendors List window by clicking on the Create a New Vendor icon. >![Image](media/VendorsCreateIcon.JPG) >VendorsCreateIcon.JPG Both options will open the Create a New Vendor window. >![Image](media/VendorsCreateWindow.JPG) >VendorsCreateWindow.JPG When creating a new vendor, the Create a new Vendor window will open displaying 4 tabs, General, Payments, Contacts and Locations. Once the Vendor entry is saved to the database the Products, Discounts and Stats tabs will be displayed. ## General Tab ## >[information] >Required fields are noted by an asterisk following the input field name. These fields must be completed before you can save your vendor entry into the database. Field Name |Description -----------------------|------------ Vendor Name * |Enter the name of the Vendor to be created. As you type any matches found in the database will appear below the Vendor Name input box to help you avoid duplication of Vendors. Active Check box |By default the active flag is checked, meaning the vendor is available for use. If you uncheck this box, then vendor will not be available for selection in reports or proposals. Street * |Enter the primary street address. This is the default billing/remit to address City * |Enter the City for the vendors location State * |Enter the State or Province for the vendors location Zip * |Enter the ZIPCODE or Postal Code for the vendors location Country * |Enter the Country for the vendors location Phone |Enter the vendors phone number Fax |Enter the vendors fax number Vendor No |If you have used vendor numbers in a previous system, you can enter those vendors numbers here Vendor Account No |This field holds YOUR account number with the vendor. It will be included on purchase orders to this vendor Electronic Order Email |Enter the default order email address for this vendor. This address can be changed at purchase order creation Electronic Order Fax |Enter the default order fax number for this vendor. This address can be changed at purchase order creation Default Order Method |Select your default order method, either by email or by fax Vendor Notes |You can enter any information that you want in this input box. This can be any information you want pertaining to this vendor. This information does not appear on any outgoing documents, it is for internal use only. >[information] >After entering your vendor information, click on the Add Vendor button and your entry will be saved into the database. > ## Payments Tab ## >![Image](media/VendorPaymentsTab.JPG) >VendorPaymentsTab.JPG Field | Description ------------|------------- Required Deposit Percentage |If this vendor requires a deposit payment before processing orders, you can enter the deposit percentage required here. When purchase orders are created for this vendor, the deposit payable will be created and placed in your Payables window so the deposit check can be generated. Only use this field if the deposit is required for all orders for this vendor Early Payment Terms |If this vendor offers an early payment discount, enter the terms here. When invoices are entered for this vendor, the early payment terms are checked and the due date of the invoice will be flagged with an asterisk (and if you hold your mouse over the due date - an early discount message will be displayed) to alert you that a discount can be taken if the invoice is paid early. The early payment discount will be calculated and deducted from the payment automatically when the invoice is flagged for payment Vendor's Payment Terms |Enter the payment terms you have with this vendor. This will be used to warn you of payments coming due for this vendor in the View and Pay Bills window. Tax ID Number |Enter the vendor's Tax ID number here (1099 Vendors) 1099 Vendor |If you need to issue 1099 forms to vendor's (or employees) check this box. This vendor will be included in the 1099 report for reporting purposes Default Currency |Enter the default currency that you will pay this vendor in. Only applicable if you have multiple currencies defined in your System Configuration Group Invoices Into Single Check |If this box is checked, multiple invoice payments for this vendor will be grouped to be paid on a single check. Up to 22 invoices can be paid per check. If more than 22 invoices are being paid, an additional check will automatically be created to pay the remaining invoices. The limit is set at 22 invoices per check because only 22 printable lines exist on the check voucher stub. If more than 22 invoices were listed, the print would run into the check print area. This also helps you conserve check stock Comment To Appear on POs |Text entered here will be printed on all purchase orders generated for this vendor Small Order Fee |If the vendor charges a small order fee and the terms can be defined here, enter those terms here. If the terms cannot be entered here, check the Quoted box. Proposals containing products from this vendor will be checked to see if this vendor charge is to be applied during the proposal finalization process. If the charge is to be applied, you will get a message alert in the proposal finalization window displaying the calculated charge. You have the option of allowing the charge to be applied to the proposal or to reject the line from being applied to your proposal. You also have the ability to add a GP% to the charge to sell the charge to your customer. Quoted? |If the Quoted box is checked, you will get an alert message during the proposal finalization process that the vendor fee must be verified with the vendor. You can then call the vendor to discuss the details of your proposal to see if the fee is to be applied or not. Freight Terms |If the vendor's freight terms can be defined here, enter those terms here. See Small Order above for proposal finalization processing Quoted |See Quoted description above Fuel Surcharge |If the vendor's Fuel Surcharge terms can be defined here, enter those terms here. See Small Order above for proposal finalization processing Quoted |See Quoted description above Call Before Delivery Charge |If the vendor's Call Before Delivery terms can be defined here, enter those terms here. See Small Order above for proposal finalization processing Billing Remittance Information |These fields allow you to enter a remittance address for this vendor if it is different from the address entered on the General Tab. This address will be printed on checks generated to this vendor ## Contacts Tab ## >![Image](media/VendorContactsTab.JPG) >VendorContactsTab.JPG Field | Description --------------|--------------- Contact Name |Enter the name of your contact with this vendor Title |Enter the contacts Title Phone |Enter contacts phone number Phone 2 |Additional phone number input field Mobile |Contacts cell phone Fax |Contacts fax number Email |Contacts email address The Contacts tab allows you to enter the contact information for the people or departments that you work with at this vendor. This allows you quick access to phone numbers and email addresses. You can enter as many Contacts per vendor as you want. There are no required fields on the Contacts info window so you can enter as many or as few fields as you like. After entering a contact be sure to click on the Add Contact plus sign icon to save your entry. ## Locations Tab ## >![Image](media/VendorLocationsTab.JPG) >VendorLocationsTab.JPG Field |Description -------------|-------------- Location Name * |The short name of the location, (i.e. COM Location, Shipping Dept) Account No |If you have a specific account number with this vendor location you enter that number here Street * |Location street address City * |Enter the locations City State * |Enter the locations State Zip * |Enter the locations ZIPCODE or Postal Code Country * |Enter the COuntry for this location >[information] >Required fields are noted by an asterisk following the input field name. These fields must be completed before you can save your entry into the database. > The Locations tab allows you to enter multiple addresses for the same vendor. If the vendor requires the shipment of COM to a different address than what appears in the General tab, you can add that address under the Location Tab. Vendor Locations can also be used as Ship To location in proposals and purchase orders. You can enter as many Locations per vendor as you want. There are required fields on the Locations info window. You must complete the required fields before you will be allowed to save a location entry. >[information] >Vendor Locations can be used as Ship To locations in proposals and purchase orders > After entering a location be sure to click on the Add Location plus sign icon to save your entry. ## Products Tab ## >![Image](media/VendorProductsTab.JPG) >VendorProductsTab.JPG The Products tab is used to define products offered by the vendor. Products are typically identified by the Catalog Code that is used in electronic specification catalogs for that product line. You do not have to enter a catalog code to define a vendor product. Entering vendor products allows you to specify the characteristics of how that product is handled in DealerChoice. When vendor Products are defined, they can be used to create discounts (Standard discounts or Customer discounts) and this information will be obtained and used upon selecting the Product for a proposal line item or during the import of a specification file to create the proposal line items. The taxable information for each Product is stored here as well as the income and expense account for tracking dollars associated with each Product. Field |Description -------------------|--------------- Product Name or Description |Enter the Product name or description. Typically this is the catalog name Active? |Select whether or not this product is active. If the Product is active it can be used in proposals, if it is not active the Product cannot be selected as a product in proposals Catalog Code |Enter the electronic catalog code exactly as it appears in the specification catalog. This is typically a 3 character code. These codes are defined by the vendor. These codes are used when a specification file is imported into a proposal to identify the vendor, Product and any of the rules defined in the database to be applied to this Product Cut Separate Purchase Order? |If you want this Product to always be placed on its own purchase order, check this box. No other product will be placed on the purchase order with this product. Electronic Order Email |Enter the default electronic email order address. This address can be changed at purchase order creation time Electronic Order Fax |Enter the default electronic fax order address. This address can be changed at purchase order creation time Default Order Method |Select the default order method (email or fax). The order method can be changed at purchase order creation time Freight Terms |If there are specific freight terms for this product that can be defined here, enter those terms. If not, check the Quoted box Quoted |When the Quoted check box is checked, a message will be displayed during the proposal finalization process warning users that the freight terms must be confirmed by the vendor. This helps avoid missing freight charges that should be applied to proposals Income Account * |Select the income account (Sales) that is to be used to track the sales dollars of this Product Expense Account * |Select the expense account (COGS) that is to be used to track the cost dollars of this Product Taxable? |Check this box if the product is taxable. When checked, you will be presented with all the tax entities defined in your tax table (System Configuration) and you must select the entities that you are responsible for collecting sales tax on for this product >[information] >Required fields are noted by an asterisk following the input field name. These fields must be completed before you can save your entry into the database. > After entering a vendor Product, click on the Add Product plus sign icon to save your changes. You also have the option of returning to the product list, or to return to Add Another Product input window. The option selection box is just below the Add Product icon. ## Discount Tab ## Vendor discounts are entered into the database via the Discounts tab. Discounts defined for vendor Products can be applied to proposal line items automatically during specification file import into proposals or manually on the Item Details tab in Proposals. In the Vendor Discounts tab, you can create vendor standard discounts or customer specific discounts. In the Customer Discounts tab, you can only enter customer specific discounts (discounts for that customer only). A Standard discount is a discount offered by the vendor that can be used for any customer purchasing that vendors products. A Customer discount can only be used by that customer. ## Standard Discount ## >![Image](media/VendorDiscStandardTab.JPG) >VendorDiscStandardTab.JPG See Customer Discounts for details on entering discount information. The only difference between entering a discount in the Vendors Discount tab is that you get the option to create a vendor standard discount. Typically, discounts are entered in the Vendor Discount tab because you can enter both vendor discounts and customer discounts here. The input fields are exactly the same in the Customer Discount tab and Vendor Discount tab and they update the exact same database. ## Customer Discount ## >![Image](media/VendorDiscCustomerTab.JPG) >VendorDiscCustomerTab.JPG See Customer Discounts for details on entering discount information. The only difference between entering a discount in the Vendors Discount tab is that you get the option to create a vendor standard discount. Typically, discounts are entered in the Vendor Discount tab because you can enter both vendor discounts and customer discounts here. The input fields are exactly the same in the Customer Discount tab and Vendor Discount tab and they update the exact same database. ## Vendor Stats Tab ## >![Image](media/VendorStatsTab.JPG) >VendorStatsTab.JPG Field |Description --------------------|-------------- Open Bills |Lists any open invoices that you have with this vendor. You can click on any invoice that appears in this list and that invoice will open for review Outstanding A/P |Displays a dollar amount of all open invoices you have with this vendor Purchase Order Booking |Lists a snapshot of your Month To Date, Quarter To Date, Year To Date and total Purchase Order amounts you have for this vendor.