Title: Receive Vendor Credits --- There are 2 ways to enter a vendor credit: 1) Click on the Vendors - Receive & Pay Bills - Receive Vendor Credits menu option 2) Click on the Vendors - Receive & Pay Bills menu option and then click on the 'Receive a new vendor invoice' icon. >![Image](media/ReceiveVendorCreditsMenu.JPG) >ReceiveVendorCreditsMenu.JPG If you use the Receive a new vendor invoice icon to enter a vendor credit, be sure to change the Type: field to "Credit". >![Image](media/ReceiveVendorCreditsInput.JPG) >ReceiveVendorCreditsInput.JPG Field |Description ----------|--------------- Vendor |Enter the vendor name that is issuing the credit Type |This MUST be set to Credit to enter a vendor credit PO No. |Enter the purchase order number that the credit is being generated for. This is optional and if not entered, credits will be applied to any payable being paid for this vendor Hold Payment |To place the credit on hold, check this box. A credit that is on hold will not be used when paying invoices for this vendor Amount |Enter the amount of the credit Reference No |Enter the credit number from the vendor. This reference number will be printed on the check stub, if possible when the credit is used on a payment to the vendor Date |Enter the date the credit was issued by the vendor Notes |Enter any text you deem necessary regarding this credit Total Expenses |Enter your WIP account here. Your Vendor Credits account will be updated when the vendor credit is applied to a payment [add more lines |Click on this link to add account distribution lines if necessary Save and Close |Your credit will be saved and the input window will close Save and Add New |Your credit will be saved a the input will open again so you can enter another credit Save and Add New Same Vendor |Your credit will be saved and the input window will open again with the Vendor field populated with the vendor you used on the last credit >[information] >Vendor credits are applied automatically to vendor payments. If you wish not to use credits when paying the vendor, you can edit the >Credits column in the Pay Invoices window (by changing the Credits amount to zero 0.00) and no credits will be used for that payment. > When credits are used to pay a vendor invoice, the reference number will be printed on the check stub. If multiple credits are used on a single payment, all credit reference numbers cannot be listed because of space limitations on the voucher. The Check Run Report will list all credit reference numbers used on each check (if applicable).