Title: Main Window --- The Main window displays the menu navigation options that you have access to. You can navigate to all options that your permissions settings allow (see 'Permissions'). If a menu item appears in the menu bar then you have 'View' access to this menu item. You may click on any available option to begin your work. After clicking on a main menu item, you may see a submenu appear. If a submenu item displays with a right arrow, there is another set of menu options under that item. Placing your mouse on a menu item that has a submenu will cause the submenu options to appear. You may click on any menu option to access that option. > ![IMage](media/Main_Window.JPG) The Home menu option can be clicked on at any time. This option will clear your browser window and display the Main window. You may also click on the DealerChoice logo for the same effect. DealerChoice allows you to send messages to all members of a Group. These messages are accessed by clicking on 'Messages' in the upper right side on the Main Window. To access the Message system, click on 'Messages' in the Main window and the Messages window will open. You can read, write, delete and reply to internal DealerChoice messages from here. To the right of the DealerChoice logo is the [Logout] link. To properly logout, click on 'Logout' under the 'Welcome' greeting and the system will log you off. > [warning] > Do not use the 'X' in the top right hand corner of your browser. This will close your browser > but leave your session open so that it appears to DealerChoice that you are still logged in. DealerChoice will automatically close (logout) any sessions that are left open for an extended period of time. This time out period can be set by System Administrators in System Configuration. The time out feature is a global setting in System Configuration. This setting does not have an individual user time out feature. Upon logging out properly, your browser will return to the Login window. You may then close your browser.